Friday, December 4, 2009

electronic journalism

This is all my opinion so if you think I am crazy feel free. I do not agree with news over the internet, no matter what source you are getting it from. I think that, as for this time period, the technology is just not safe enough. There are to many people out there that are way to good at hacking into whatever they want and changing those things. If some of you did not hear China had hackers steel 5,000,000 CLASSIFIED documents from the PENTAGON!!!! Hello red lights are flashing right there. Do no trust everything you see on the internet because for all you know the writer could be a 12 year old typing away. Then you go out and spread all this incorrect information around causing and infected grapevine.
I want to bring up a topic that not many people remember. The time when kids were not in the media because it was a taboo thing to do. At one point in time there was an un-writen rule that made it so kids stayed out of the media. If a child was in a movie it was almost like they did not become famous to keep them protected. They would just keep on acting until they were an adult and then become famous. Now we make children superstars, something that makes me sick to my stomache. You are ruining kids lives because no one can really handle the nova they become when you reach the top. You need more than just a sound mind. If you can not put a kids name in the paper for doing a crime why is it ok to have Hannah Montana on the cover of us weekly for her new LOVE OF HER LIFE. Really? How about those writers go after real people.

Bowling for Columbine

This movie was a waist of the film it was made on. Honestly this fat man makes his living making fun of anyone he interviews. If you have not yet noticed but no matter what your opinion is he will try and fight with you and make you look dumb. Michael Moore has to be my least favorite producer/director out there. He got under my fingernails and pissed me off while watching this movie for the last time. He takes isolated incidents and makes them into one big jumbled problem ball. That is it, and the people who are on camera are just staring blankly into the lens because everyone knows you do not put a child,s murder because of the lack of gun safe and gun control on trial in the same sentence. I really hope that all of you did not think that he did anything with this film. The fat man just needs money for his cheese burger habit.

week 8

I went to the BBC news website and the first thing i saw was EXPLOSION IN RUSSIAN NIGHTCLUB. As most people would be, I became captivated. The number of people who died was 76 and another 60 people were injured in the blast. The fire was blamed on a fireworks being shown in the club for the eighth anniversary. The blame goes to the club and 76 families need some form of compensation for such a stupid thing happening.

week 6
Very racist commercial its just not cool.
Chapter 9: Television
Question: In order to make up for ads like these, what did some networks do to ease viewers’ anger
Answer: They said they would begin "offering" jobs. This does not make sense to me considering what the commercial is actually implying about a race of people. My opinion is that there is no such thing as race just different looks.

    week 5

    My favorite movie of all time was The Godfather. Not only is the plot well done but there also was new things that were used in the movie making it a break threw. They used a slow zoom in on many scenes. This was never seen before, adding dramatics to the movie that you never have seen. The movie was a smash hit and still is known around the world. People have their opinions that it is to violent but really the movie is about a culture and you must focus.

    Tuesday, November 10, 2009

    In class we talked about how FOX news station uses images, certain words, individual beliefs to get you to think along their lines. Myself included, and many others who watch their programing may think I have never seen any wrong doing on FOX's behalf. But after I watched this movie I realized that it is not just FOX who does these things. Today in journalism there are so many information feeds that are telling us things that are not news, they are only voicing their opinions. This is wrong in my eyes because we only get half of a story. They expect us to go out and find information they are supposed to provide us with. So when we tell our friends and family about and interesting fact we learned today we are not telling them garbage. That is all I am saying, because half of a story is not a story at all. It is an incomplete project that someone was to lazy to finish. That is all I feel these corporations need to do. Give me all of the facts so when I go out and promote the things you said (by promote I mean mention) I do not look like an idiot. The news should be like a debate, every side has a strong believer on one issue and an opposing issue is at the ready to tell you they are wrong. Not just one person saying "BLAHHBLAHHBLAAHHHHHH I am right follow me" that is a cult, sorry to put it this way but it is.

    Monday, October 26, 2009


    The dream world philosophy is that when you go and see a movie you get so engaged in the movie that it feels like a dream. I agree because I love going to the movies and after its done you have to reboot your brain to reality. That is the only reason I go to the movies anymore, I have the option of not going and i choose to go. I also want to talk about the product placement in movies, like The Ballet of Ricky Bobby. In almost every single scene there is SOMETHING that is being commercialized, be it Poweraid, Fruitloops, or even the car he drives. You can not avoid it even if we see it. Now it is just part of the business, but how many of those adds have a part in the movie as a whole? I can not answer that myself, and in my opinion no one can. The last thing i want to bring up is copycat behavior. I recently just saw a movie "On Boc II". The movie is about a tribe member going to the big city to survive. With this you have two hours of him kicking everyones ass. Now on the other hand when people went to see "Fast and Furious" they came out of the theaters racing. Their excuse was because they saw the movie, but after "On Boc II" I did not go and clean the streets with my bare hands. So just think about it, we are effected by movies but in the end it is us making the decisions.

    week 4

    I am going to talk about the seven Cannons of Journalism. One responsibility, well this can be taken many different ways but. Freedom of the press, this is a must because freedom of speech. Independence, well this to me is going to go in the way of the government not giving any money to any paper unless it is an official document of the USofA. In that case then they should print it all out themselves. The next one is the most upsetting to me, truthfulness, it should be the most important part of the media at any point in time. If you are not telling the truth then you are not doing your job. Impartiality, not finishing a story or leaving a PANDORA BOX open. You do not finish something people are going to go crazy. Fair Play, you already know what that deals with. Decency, there is none of that in our world anymore.

    Monday, October 5, 2009

    I want to first talk about bad cultural imperialism, COPS for instance. The show is only about how bad ass we all are. Really ALLLLLLL it shows is some person who has horrible judgment and thinks that they can get away from our police force. At the start of the fugitives run they show him shooting at the the police, and at the end they show him getting away. How is that going to portray our society, well besides the fact that we are telling people RUNNNNN its the cops symbolizing that you cannot trust those who are meant to protect you. Yet when a child is beaten in Chicago by a crowd while being videotaped we complain about how this should never ever happen and then ask "why do none of these children come to the police?" HELLLLLO they just finished watching cops and remembered what real "thugs"(Indian assassin) by not "snitching" because "snitches get stitches.

    Sunday, September 27, 2009

    David Peter Vrabel

    Hello my name is David Peter Vrabel and I will talk about these topics in the order that I think they are most important. I will start with television, it is the biggest single invention since the printing press. I will be honest I love T.V. because i can wake up at 7 in the morning here in California and immediately know what is going on in any part of the world. Then I am going to go with the Internet, it is free in most cases and you can do so many different things with it. From researching your favorite hockey team (SHARKS) to finding out how to pass a drug test. Such variations in usability has made the Internet almost irreplaceable. The next would have to be the radio, I do not even need to turn it on most of the time. I had to set it once and now i wake up listening to National Public Radio. The next few I believe you can bunch together. Newspapers, books, magazines, and recordings are all in the same boat because they all have to be purchased by the person wanting to use them. Last but not least i will have to say that the Movie theater is the least impacting thing on my life. It is a fantasy thing where for two hours I can be 007 or I can Enter the Dragon by watching Bruce Lee. I am not saying that it is not a fun activity but I do not go and see movies all that often.