Sunday, September 27, 2009

David Peter Vrabel

Hello my name is David Peter Vrabel and I will talk about these topics in the order that I think they are most important. I will start with television, it is the biggest single invention since the printing press. I will be honest I love T.V. because i can wake up at 7 in the morning here in California and immediately know what is going on in any part of the world. Then I am going to go with the Internet, it is free in most cases and you can do so many different things with it. From researching your favorite hockey team (SHARKS) to finding out how to pass a drug test. Such variations in usability has made the Internet almost irreplaceable. The next would have to be the radio, I do not even need to turn it on most of the time. I had to set it once and now i wake up listening to National Public Radio. The next few I believe you can bunch together. Newspapers, books, magazines, and recordings are all in the same boat because they all have to be purchased by the person wanting to use them. Last but not least i will have to say that the Movie theater is the least impacting thing on my life. It is a fantasy thing where for two hours I can be 007 or I can Enter the Dragon by watching Bruce Lee. I am not saying that it is not a fun activity but I do not go and see movies all that often.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, NPR is great... I agree with you...:o)

    It is incredible the information one can get online these days... but I am hoping you just mentioned the "passing drug test" as an example of the extreme or trivial information one can get online. Since you mentioned it and others may read your post, I feel I must comment too (PSA like) and mention that... Drugs seem like a waste of money and time. Its better to save one's money now and possibly invest it in a safe CD and in the future retire early!

    I also agree with you, Internet is "irreplaceable." If one had to, one could live without it but it would be a very, very sad situation in my case.
